Running a private practice requires so much more than establishing referral sources, scheduling, and seeing clients. In order to have a fulfilling and successful business, there are many administrative matters that must be attended to on a regular basis. The greatest business people in the world have particular practices they observe to keep their operations running smoothly and you can learn how to implement some of those same strategies to be sure your business runs efficiently and sustainably.
Organize with online systems. If you are still using pen and paper to keep up with your calendar, to-do lists and project planning it’s time to make the jump to electronic systems for greatest efficiency. There are so many apps, programs and various options for streamlining all the information you need to keep up with. If this feels overwhelming to you, our Virtual Assistants are well trained and familiar with how to get you set up and teach you how to easily access and best utilize these systems.
Consider video conferencing. In-person meetings are wonderful and today we are fortunate to have advanced technology that allows us to meet face-to-face via video conferencing platforms. You no longer need to have an office manager sitting at a desk in your office. You can benefit from meeting with your Virtual Assistant over video conference and together knocking out that to-do list in no time.
Plan ahead and follow through. Oprah Winfrey has built a vast and successful empire by observing the principle of creating a plan for the day ahead of time and ensuring the plan is followed. This requires focus and commitment to an effective time management system. Working with a Virtual Assistant will enable to you to not only create a plan but have a system in place to remind you of what you need to do and where you need to be to accomplish your daily goals.
Brain dumping. When you have a busy private practice and you are leveling up in your career growth, your creative brain is likely swirling with ideas and ways to expand your professional development. This can leave you feeling like the mad professor surrounded by stacks and piles of potential projects you never seem to have time to get to. With the help of a Virtual Assistant, you might practice a weekly brain dump of all the loose and creative ideas and concepts swirling around in your head and your VA can help you sort, prioritize and schedule tasks needed to make those ideas come to life.
Keep an idea journal. The great entrepreneur and conscious business icon Richard Branson swears by carrying around a little notebook to jot down ideas, thoughts, inspirations he encounters all throughout his busy days. You can do the same thing using a Notes app on your phone or tablet which can then be shared with your VA who can help you organize the information for later use.
Keep track of your referral sources. Always ask new clients how they heard about you and create a system for tracking where your referrals are coming from. You can report this data to your VA on a daily or weekly basis who can add it to a spreadsheet. At the end of each quarter, it’s a good idea to reach out to your referral sources and thank them for referring potential clients your way and use this opportunity to reinforce those community connections.
Having systems and support in place for managing administrative tasks in private practice is absolutely crucial to the success of your business.
Contact us to discuss how we can help you utilize a Virtual Assistant.