When you decided to go out on your own and open your own private practice you probably envisioned all the freedom, pleasure and sense of accomplishment you would realize in being your own boss, doing your own thing your own way. Those are definitely benefits of going into private practice! What we have found over the years of helping therapists and coaches build and maintain successful practices is that most practitioners quickly realize that running a private eventually requires some administrative help. Let’s look at some reasons why therapists and coaches need administrative support.
3 Key Reasons Therapists and Coaches NEED Administrative Support:
There is no such thing as a Jack-of-all-trades. In a book called The E-Myth: Why Most Businesses Don’t Work and What to do About it by Michael Gerber, you’ll learn that it’s simply not possible to do and be all things that your business needs to succeed. Some therapists are indeed naturally talented at marketing, and others are not. Other therapists may love crunching numbers and keeping the books, but others just weren’t wired for math. Even if you have some natural gifts on the side of running the business, you can’t possibly be good at everything. A wise business owner knows her strengths and her areas of weakness. Identifying the things in your business you aren’t so great with, or you just don’t like, is a great place to start in terms of seeking out some help from a Virtual Assistant or in-house administrative helper.
You don’t have time to do all the things. Let’s face it. There are only so many hours in a day and while time management is critically important to running a successful practice, you must be realistic about how many duties you can possibly fulfill. Hiring skilled administrative support can free you up to have more time to focus on the work of seeing clients, obtain continuing education training, and ensure you have time for your ever-important self-care. This is going to help you to stay fresh and enthusiastic about growing your practice and help you avoid the dreaded wall of burn out.
It feels really good to have a team. Even if your team is just the two of you, having a team within your business means you’re not alone. And honestly, being a solo private practitioner can feel a little lonely. Knowing you have another professional to help you with the running of your business fills a void. It just feels good to know you have someone in the background keeping all those juggling balls in the air successfully.
There are many ways an administrative professional can help you and your business thrive. In my years of providing administrative services for therapists and coaches, I have witnessed the initial reluctance therapists feel to investing in administrative support but I also have seen first-hand how therapists have absolutely thrived when hiring an assistant to take over handling many of the important but time-consuming tasks that need to be done in a busy private practice. It’s seriously a game-changer.
The way our company’s services are set up you’ll be able to start slow. Maybe there is just that one small project you know you need to hand off. Now that you know the key reasons therapists and coaches need administrative help and once you get your feet wet, we are willing to bet you will realize the relief that comes with having administrative support in place. Once you see for yourself the benefits of having your own assistant, you’ll likely seek to expand into allowing your VA to handle more and more of the behind-the-scenes tasks that are stacking up on your to-do list.
Contact us to discuss how Adminities can help you take the next step to secure your own Virtual Assistant.